The Tool to Help You Shift from Ugh 🙄 to Yeah 😀 !!


As a leader, you are really good at finding out what is wrong and fixing it. Your mind is trained to strategize and streamline your next right actions to get the missing accomplished.

What if you could get through your challenges without putting yourself second and actually take care of...

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What's Your Story? (About Thanksgiving and Everything!)


*I published this last year, and think it is a great reminder of how the world changes, but also stays the same. So, we have another great opportunity to truly be grateful. Here's to an AMAZING November FULL of gratitude!!!


So, the world feels like it is shutting down. Well, maybe it is...

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Thriving Through the Holidays!


Instead of telling a story about how stressful it is going to be over the holidays (or how bad the Cleveland weather is going to be!), we are going to plan, consciously, on having the most joyful and connected and fabulous holiday season ever!

The two main themes for THRIVING through the...

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