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Ep#45: People Puzzles
Solving Relationship Challenges
Sometimes relationships can feel like unsolvable puzzles. Often when people discuss their relationship challenges they think they are just describing the relationship the way that it...
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Ep #44: The 12 Fixes
The 12 Fixes
Meet Judes Scharman, dietitian extraordinaire! In this episode, I review a few of my favorite healthy fixes from her book 12 Fixes to Healthy. She skips the fluff and gets right to the stuff that works....
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Ep #43: The Practice of Being
The Practice of Being
It's one thing to act calm. It's quite another to actually feel calm. As a leader, you know the right thing to DO. You know how to "behave" to get the job done, professionally & personally....
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Ep #42: Self-Command, Part 2 [Taking Control]
Self-Command, Part 2, Taking Control
Once you understand that you're really the one creating your stress, distress, and inability to follow through, then what? How do you actually begin to exert control over your...
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Ep #41: Self-Command, Part I, [Who's in Command?]
Self-Command, Part 1, Who's in Command
If you "know better" but can't get yourself to "do better" this episode is for you. All too often, leaders are disciplined in one area of their life, but not another. Tune in to...
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Ep #40: Releasing Resistance
Releasing Resistance
Resistance shows up in many ways and we often don't even realize we're doing it. And we're clueless about how much energy it sucks from us! Resistance can keep us stuck in repeating patterns,...
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Ep #39: Disruption
Nobody likes to be disrupted. And yet disruption is precisely what happens. It's inevitable and it also happens to be an important part of self-leadership. Knowing how to expect, handle and take advantage...
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Ep #38: Pleasure vs Joy
Pleasure vs. Joy
There is nothing wrong with pleasure and comfort! In fact, our brains are designed to seek it out. And it's good! Unless... we're constantly seeking pleasure with bad habits that keep us stuck and...
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Ep #37: Managing Urges
Managing Urges
Any behavior that has you stuck - overeating, overdrinking, overworking, procrastinating, or escaping into Netflix or social media - isn't the problem! When trying to change behavior most people focus...
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Ep #36: Beyond Surviving to Thriving
Beyond Surviving to Thriving
Often we plan on just surviving and getting through the holidays. We drink, we eat or we grin and bear it until it's over. What if I told you that you could use the holidays (or any...
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Ep #35: Subtle Judgment
Subtle Judgment
Most leaders wouldn't describe themselves as negatively judgmental. And yet, this subtle judgment often exists beneath the surface from old programming that we aren't even aware of. This subtle or...
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Ep #34: Mental Workouts
The Mental Workout
You're an intelligent, well-respected, and articulate person. You've got your act together. Then...dun, dun, dun you can feel it coming on & it sabotages you... again. Maybe it's...an intense...
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