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Ep #33: The Mental Gym
The Mental Gym
Struggle with follow-through, burn out, or are cycling through the same bad habits? Then welcome to the mental gym! In this episode, I share how even the busiest of leaders can tap into THE key element...
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Ep #32: Stop Overindulging
Stop Overindulging
How do you stop indulging in behaviors that you know are not good for you? Is there a way to enjoy certain pleasures and not get carried away by them? Yep, there is. But we have to go beyond...
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Ep #31: Emotional Balance
Emotional Balance
Emotional balance is your ability to feel strong emotions and not get hooked by them. Many people think that emotions have no place in the workplace. But having emotions is innately human and our...
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Ep #30: Emotional Power
Emotional Power
The opposite of emotional power is emotional powerlessness. Often times people attribute emotional intelligence or awareness to the ability to control your emotions. Yes, that's important, but...
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Ep #29: From Hear to Here
From Hear to Here - Listening With Intention
In our fast-paced world, one of the most challenging things is slowing down. That especially applies to communication. We know how important good communication is, yet we...
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Ep #28: Communicate with Confidence
Communicate with Confidence
Even though we know that clear communication is an essential skill for being a leader we often inadvertently let the chaos and speed of our lives interrupt effective communication. Or, we...
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Ep #27: Building Resiliency
Building Resiliency
Resilient people don't dwell on failures or wallow, they learn from the situation and move forward. But what if you are tired of moving forward? What if you really are questioning yourself or the...
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Ep #26: Creating Self-Confidence
Creating Self-Confidence
How can you be successful in so many areas and still lack self-confidence? Everyone wants to be self-confident, but not everyone is actively creating it. In this episode of The Healthy...
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Ep #25: Creating Great
Creating Great
This is a special episode where I share how I am personally practicing "CREATING GREAT" right in the middle of life's chaos. Life is pretty hectic right now on multiple levels - internationally,...
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Ep #24: Taking Your Time, Part 2
Taking Your Time, Part 2
In this episode, we continue to explore time optimization by integrating mind management with the most important time management tool there is. I'll share how to optimize time blocking in a...
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Ep #23: Taking Your Time, Part 1
Taking Your Time, Part 1
Even the most successful leaders can feel like their time is not their own. Before diving into the logistics of planning your time, there is a critical component to understand around time...
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Ep #22: Boundaries
Creating healthy boundaries is the cornerstone to healthy relationships - and creating them isn't necessarily easy. In this episode, I give you a precise and easy-to-use tool to set clear expectations and...
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