Why You Should Keep a Food Journal

I have yet to come across someone who actually wants to keep a food journal. It is probably the oldest recommendation for losing weight. And, guess what? It works. There are numerous studies that confirm this to be factually true. One study at Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health...

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Emotions vs Feelings

When trying to lose weight, we tend to focus solely on the physical aspects of health, namely food, exercise and sometimes, sleep. Those are absolutely important. And, there are two other elements that are equally important: thoughts and emotions. 

We are overweight because we overeat....

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How We Use Food as Entertainment

There is nothing inherently wrong with using food as entertainment. We all do it to some degree or another. If you have had something to eat when you were not actually hungry, then you have used food to "entertain" some other need. That need could be to feel comforted, to relax, to feel connected...

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Why I Don't Say Have a Nice Day!

I don't say, "Have a  nice day" to people anymore. I say, "Create Great!" It used to sound kind of funny, but now it is totally natural and people say it back to me. Which, I absolutely love.

The phrase “Create Great” stems from several places. The first is that my sister, even...

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Your Weight Loss Story-In 3 Steps

We think that the stories that we tell ourselves and others are true. What we want to recognize is that the stories we are telling are normally not just based off of pure fact, but come out of our personal history, needs, preferences and beliefs.

We want to pay attention to this because the...

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Wanting vs Committing

There is a difference between wanting something and actually committing to it. Wanting something feels fairly safe, and perhaps, even a little noble. Committing to something is very different.

It feels different when you say the words, "I'll want to or I'll try." See how that feels when you...

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3 Reasons Why Executives Struggle to Lose Weight

You are a leader. 

You are intelligent, determined, hard working and successful.

So, why is so hard to lose the weight and keep it off?

We already know that the reason we are overweight is because we ate more than our body required. And, so it did what is supposed to and stored the...

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3 Steps to Managing Urges

An "urge" is a strong desire or impulse.

I wish I could tell you that losing weight or achieving any health goal can be accomplished without having to deal with impulses. But that would be a lie. The truth is that experiencing urges is not only part of the process, it is mandatory. It is...

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Lean Body, Smart Life!

It is published!

I am VERY EXCITED to be a part of the phenomenal book,  Lean Body, Smart Life 12 Fix Plan to a Leaner, Healthier, Happier Life!  After 30 years experience as a registered dietitian nutritionist, Judes identified 12 of the most important "fixes" to help...

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Cut these 2 Phrases for an Instant Confidence Boost

I have a very old book on my book shelf entitled, Your Body Believes Every Word You Sayby Barabara Levine. This book is crumpled and dog eared and has a few stains on it. I bought it  back in the 90's when I was still in the Army. I still have it because it was the first time I...

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