Fear Is An Instruction Manual

While working with a teen client recently on confidence, we were discussing that even though fear doesn't feel "good" to us, it is absolutely necessary. This is a not an easy sell. In the midst of this, I discovered that Fear actually comes with an instruction manual. That's good news...

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You Are Not the Boss of Me

You are not the boss of me. That was one of my favorite lines as young, Traci Trouble. Since then, I have grown and matured and am now a much wiser Traci Trouble. So, now when I say it, I am generally not kicking the walls with the heels of my feet. Well, most of the time. I am totally loving...

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Choose Your It.

You've seen the Nike ad. Just Do It. Yeah, that's right, Just Do It!! I love that mantra. I even use my own version of it, "Bring It!" If you don't know what "it" is, just Google exercise, nutrition, fitness or diet and you will be deluged with ideas. Or maybe your neighbor or coworker is trying...

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"Sugar Scares Me" (Quote from Cancer Researcher)

I love this article from Authority Nutrition. I came across it when I googled "evaporated cane juice." I am trying out a "diet" with one of my clients to share the experience with her and broaden my own.

 I define a diet as intentional eating. So, even thought the word diet is taboo these...

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Healthy Podcasts!

I love podcasts!  They are free, informative and travel.

I am amazed at how many people are still unaware of this incredibly diverse and entertaining world that has some great information on health.)

Do not let the word podcast intimidate you. It's basically a radio show. We used to tune...

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Obesity is Like...Drowning?

Say what? The podcast interview went from very interesting to downright intriguing. Dr. Michael Mantell, the ACE Senior Fitness Consultant for Behavior Sciences, was interviewing Dr. David Katz, President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. And, as you can imagine, given their...

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I finally did something I felt good about.

When I first started working out with TCF, I did it since I knew I needed to get in better shape.  I wanted to be stronger.  Being heavy my whole life, I don't think I was necessarily doing it to be thinner.  I didn't want to keep getting bigger, and I knew I would keep getting...
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Create a Healthy Moment, Just One

Create a healthy day! I say this instead of have a good day because days aren't given, as implied by the word "have" in "have a great day." Days are created. They are created by you. The really cool thing is that you don't have to create your "state" all at once. God or the universe or science,...

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Why This Works

The gist of the philosophy is to create a customized program for you that will help you create a sustainable, permanent lifestyle change. As a client, I can attest to their work--I've lost 60 lbs (and counting) in the last five months, and there's simply no doubt I'll continue to lose weight...

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I could have never done this before I met you.

We went out snorkeling off the beach at our hotel. It was very rocky and we all have scrapes from going over rocks while snorkeling. The undertow was the worst I have ever been in. At one point I tried to swim to the shore and after several free style strokes I didn’t move at all. I finally...
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