Meditation for Leaders


I recorded this morning meditation as part of a daily practice for leaders who wanted to start the day with clarity and presence and to approach the day intentionally. This meditation is a ritual to practice daily in the morning to ground yourself in what is most important to you. Caution-it is...

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The Tool to Help You Shift from Ugh πŸ™„ to Yeah πŸ˜€ !!


As a leader, you are really good at finding out what is wrong and fixing it. Your mind is trained to strategize and streamline your next right actions to get the missing accomplished.

What if you could get through your challenges without putting yourself second and actually take care of...

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3 things you can do WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED! for a Healthier Thanksgiving (and year)!


You might be scrambling to get things done today or hanging out with thousands of other people at the airport. Today, the day before Thanksgiving can be a hectic one. But, with these tiny shifts in perspective, you can come out Monday morning feeling pretty good about the holiday feast.

Here are...

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Comparison is the Thief of Joy


Nobody is posting pictures when 

  they have broccoli in their teeth,

  their kids are fighting with each other

  the whole family isn't talking, but staring at their phones


Or when their puppies are ferociously fighting with one another.

(OK, that is in my video. So I...

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What's Your Story? (About Thanksgiving and Everything!)


*I published this last year, and think it is a great reminder of how the world changes, but also stays the same. So, we have another great opportunity to truly be grateful. Here's to an AMAZING November FULL of gratitude!!!


So, the world feels like it is shutting down. Well, maybe it is...

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Willpower is NOT Limited!


At West Point, they ask cadets to choose the harder right over the easier wrong. The idea is that your choices as a leader align with what will have the greatest positive impact on the widest circle of influence. (For more about leadership, check out The West Point Way of Leadership by Col...

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The Quick Fix to Focusing


Have you ever...

Quickly realized that you knew they were talking, but had no idea what was said?

Read the same passage over & over again with no comprehension?

Found yourself looking at a post from someone down the social media hole you don't even know?

If so, you might have a little...

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Circumstances are Neutral (Even the Browns Losing)!


Nothing matters. Say what? Well, it doesn't matter until you give it meaning. Here's why circumstances are neutral and how knowing this can actually make your day better!!! To learn more about neutral circumstances, check out my latest podcast: The Power of Neutral Circumstances.

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How to Have a Healthy Imposter Syndrome!


I want you to have imposter syndrome. Say what??

But not the kind that makes you...

feel like your accomplishments might be due to dumb luck

worry that people will figure out you don't know what the heck you are doing

or create self-doubt that follows you around like a grey cloud


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Managing the Seasons of Your Life

I recently spoke at a live women’s conference in Cleveland that was all about inspiring people to be the best version of themselves. At this conference there was a lot of talk about politics, COVID and the impact that this has had on our health and the way that we are showing up in this...
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